This has not been a good week for writing on digital platforms.
First Fox Sports announced it was dropping writers in favor of video.
Then MTV News did pretty much the same thing.
Closer to home, the blogosphere continues to evolve. Those of us who’ve been doing this for a long while continue to see page views decline.
Yet I remain bullish on the blog, and on this blog.
I am encouraged and energized that my friends JB, Whiteray, DJ Pres, Casey, Andrew, Gunther and Soul Brotha Dave, all among my regular reads, keep on keepin’ on.
I am most encouraged and energized by the evolution over at the mighty Funky 16 Corners, where my friend Larry is taking the logical next steps. He is writing less but sharing more by hosting three regular live broadcasts: “Testify!” on Wednesday nights on WFMU, the Funky 16 Corners Radio Show on Thursday nights on Mixlr and now the Iron Leg Radio Show once a month on Cruising Radio. These shows, also available as podcasts after they air live, are highly recommended.
The content here hasn’t been much to write home about over the past year or so. Life intrudes. But there are still lots of tunes here at AM, Then FM World Headquarters to be explored.
More to come.
Filed under: June 2017